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Thursday, 2 October 2014

The History Of Former Nigeria's Head Of State - Gen Muhammadu Buhari

WHO IS GEN. BUHARI?General Muhammadu Buhari was born on December 17, 1942, in the town of Daura in the Katsina State of Northern Nigeria. He went to Primary School in Daura and Mai’adua from 1948 – 1952, before proceeding to Katsina middle School in 1953. He attended the Government College Katsina from 1956 – 1961. On graduation from Secondary School in 1961, the young Buhari went to the Nigerian Military Training School, Kaduna in 1963. In October of the same year, he was sent to the officers’ Cadet School in Aldershot in the United Kingdom and was thereafter commissioned Second Lieutenant in 1963 and posted to the 2nd Infantry Battalion, Abeokuta as Platoon Commander in 1963. A contemporary of his in Aldershot said he was like “an only pebble in the beach, a star in his calm and calculating disposition.” It was at the Abeokuta Garrison that the real traits of a great soldier were identified in the young man. From 1963 – 1964 he was sent for further training on the Platoon Commanders’ Course at the Nigerian Military College, Kaduna. In 1965, he went for the Mechanical Transport Officers’ Course at the Army Mechanical Transport School in Borden, England. He went to the Defence Services’ Staff College, Wellington, India in 1973 and to the United States Army War College from June 1979 to June 1980. One of his testimonials from the War College referred to Buhari as “a gentleman, a soft-spoken soldier, who preserved the ethics of the profession almost as a Quarter-Master-General. He would touch the tip of his cap in greeting for a lady, would never enter a room with his beret on. Always careful with his language, would smile at every joke and would never do anything to rock the boat” these are some of the credentials of the charming officer and gentleman called Muhammadu Buhari, an independent tribute made to him in far away United States of America more than two decades ago.This thorough-bred soldier has held several impressive Command and Staff appointments since 1963, including the following:Platoon Commander, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 1963 – 1964.Mechanical Transport Officer, Lagos Garrison, 1964 – 1965.Transport Company Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade 1965 – 1966;Battalion Adjutant / Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade 1966 – 1967;Brigade Major, 2nd Sector, 1st Infantry Division, April to July 1967;Brigade Major, 3rd Infantry Brigade, August 1967 – October 1968;Acting Commander, 4th Sector, 1st Division November 1968 – February 1970;Commander, 31st Infantry Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, February 1970 – June 1971;Assistant Adjutant-General, 1st Infantry Division Hqrs., July 1971 – Dec. 1972;Colonel, General Staff, 3rd Infantry Div. Hqrs. Jan. 1974 – Sept. 1974.Acting Director, Supply and Transport, Nigeria Army Corps of supply and Transport, September 1974 – July 1975;Military Governor, Borno State (the then North Eastern State of Nigeria) August 1975 – March 1976;Federal Minister of Petroleum Resources, March 1976 to June 1978;Chairman, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, June 1978 – July 1978;Military Secretary, Army Headquarters July 1978 – June 1979;Member Supreme Military Council, March 1976 – June 1979;General Officer Commanding, 4th Infantry Division, Aug. 1980 – Jan. 1981;General Officer Commanding, 2nd Mechanised Infantry Division, Jan. 1981 – October 1981;General Officer Commanding 3rd Armed Division Nigerian Army, October 1981 – December 1983.Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, December 1983 – August 1985.Indeed General Buhari’s education, training and career have shown him to be an accomplished and exalted soldier who deserves commendation and special recognition, because he has proven to be a man of character, integrity and achievement. A close study of his character shows a permeating integrity. It was during his tenure that the Nigerian National Oil Corporation and the Ministry of Petroleum Resources were reorganised to form the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and he became its first Chairman, a job he performed without blemish. He masterminded and spearheaded the construction of 20 oil depots throughout the country, a project involving over 3200 kilometers of pipelines. Under his leadership both Warri and Kaduna Refineries were built. He drew up the blueprint for the country’s petro-chemical and liquefied natural gas programmes all without even a hint of scandal.When the masses of this country were about to riot over the increase in the price of fuel some few years back, the Government of the day calmed them down with the promise that the accrual from reduction subsidy was going to be put in an account and that General Buhari was to be appointed the people’s trustee to that Fund. The riots were averted. The people were happy that somebody they could trust, somebody with a clean record, a safe pair of hands somebody the nation revered and respected, was going to be in charge.In recognition of his numerous and enviable contributions towards the development of this country, General Buhari has been conferred with a number of national awards. He is the recipient of the following:GCFR - Grand Commander of the Federal RepublicCFR - Commander of the Federal RepublicDSM - Defence Service MedalNSM - National Service MedalGSM - General Service MedalLSGCM - Loyal Service and Good Conduct MedalFSS - Force Service StaffCD - The Congo MedalNever in the recent history of Nigeria, has a former Head of State, as noiseless, humble and as ready to serve as he has been endeared himself so much to the hearts of the masses. He is neither a defeatist nor a pessimist. He knows himself, he knows Nigerians and he knows how to overcome difficulties and make Nigeria a better place for all.Long live the saviour of Nigeria

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