At Shapeyou, we believe that a positive body image and self-esteem is the divine right of all women. We believe in encouraging a healthy lifestyle for women of all shapes. Some of us have self-esteem issues.
What are you doing about it? Are you wallowing in regret? Or sadness? Or expecting someone to feel
pity for you just because you are this way or that way? Yes, there are some things we can’t change
about ourselves. What about the ones we can change or work on? Take charge! What are you waiting for? Start waisting!!
Do you still need to be told? Really?. You know, deep down, a lot of us (I mean a whole lot of us…admit it jor!) crave the hourglass shape. YES WE DO! There’s nothing to be afraid of. Think about this for a second; Grace has killer hips while Juliet has an amazing slim waist and you? you are now in the middle.
Haba naaa, don’t do this to yourself. Startwaisting o! Do not delay! We repeat, do
not delay!. Don’t be worried about what
everybody would say. In the long run you’d have the shape you desire. Men love a sexy body! They do! A lot of them drool over Kim K (excuse her internet breakage) and Bey and you don’t think you can be drooled over? Stop thinking, start waisting!.You know you’d love the hourglass body, your man would want some too. He might not say it but he knows this. Give him something to drool over for. There’s nothing artificial about waist training or flattening your tummy.
If you don’t want to do it for your man, do it foryourself! #saynotobigtummies, #sayyestothehourglassshape,
#sayyestohealthyeating, #sayyestoexercising, #sayyestothewaist. Start WAISTING!!.
Remember, our products do not rule out a healthy lifestyle, we help you achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle together with achieving the desired shape you want. So, eat right, drink lots of water and start thinking of getting one our products!
For enquiries, write to us atenquiries@shapeyou.com.ng or visit our websitewww.shapeyou.com.ngand buy one of our products today.
You can also contact our experts on the following and they would help you with making the right decision
BBM: 7EF02BDC. WHATSAPP/CALL: 09098138709
BBM: 794B4D20. WHATSAPP/CALL: 09096090153
BBM: 7968F5C6. WHATSAPP/CALL: 08170987132
BBM: 7960B49B. WHATSAPP/CALL: 09098138528
Nationwide payment on delivery!
Follow and like us on Instagram @shapeyouafrica and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/shapeyouafrica
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