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Friday 3 April 2015

Pope Washes Feet Of Inmates In Roman Prison

Pope Francis visited the Roman prison of Rebibbia on Thursday, moving many of the male and female inmates to tears with his simple words reminiscent of those spoken by Pope John XXIII, years before at the Regina Coeli: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast? Though she may forget, I will not forget you,” citing a passage from God’s conversation with Prophet Isaiah.
These words conveyed a basic tenet of Christianity to the 300 inmates gathered within the prison’s church that the Lord’s love and forgiveness are unconditional.
The Pope then washed the feet of 12 inmates, six men and six women, one of whom was a Nigerian mother carrying out her sentence in the creche; Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of the baby she held in her arms. Half of those present were foreigners, reflecting the reality of the current prison system.
“All of you, all of those who live here, are brothers and sisters,” His Holiness said.
“I also need to be washed. Let the Lord wash the dirt from me too, so that I may become more a slave, a slave to you, to be of greater service to the people, as Jesus was.”
He explained further, “In Jesus’ times, when people arrived at home, their feet were always dusty from their travels, the roads weren’t paved back then.
Their feet needed to be washed, but the slaves did it, not the masters. And Jesus washes our feet like a slave, the feet of his disciples, stating: ‘what I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand’.
He made himself a slave to serve us, cure us, cleanse us. Today, in this Mass, the Church wants the priest to wash the feet of 12 faithfuls, like the 12 apostles.
But in our hearts we must be sure and have the conviction that when the Lord washes our feet He washes everything, He purifies us, makes us feel His love.” Pope Francis also dedicated the Thursday morning homily at St.Peter’s to his fatigued priests.
“Do you know how often I think about it, about how tired you all are

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